Moony Mimisa:
Is Murad before entering acting is the same after entered the acting
and became famous not only in Turkey but in the whole world, or is there
things changed in Murad and his character? And if there are things have
changed What ?
What is the closest character to you from the characters
you acted it?
And what is more character like you ?
What did you love in acting and what is more something
that you do not love from it?
What are the things you learned from acting in general?
What is the name of your best perfume? What are you
interested in eating more? And what is the country that
you wnat to visit yourself and recognize him?
What is the largest wish Murad want to achieve?
Haya ALsarafandi:
why you did not have an account in facebook or an
officail website of youto connact you directly?
If you are offered a film Action Do you accept work
in it with little romance also?
Meriem Es-sabbar:
can you come to visit us in Moroco cause you have
many fans in Moroco very of your act ?
Esmeralda Adnan
WHAT IS the most charming In your life & your series in your opinion?
Eman Yehya
which character is your best in your roles(demir-ali-savas...)?
Kady Kandel:
who is your favourite actor \actress?
Scheherazade Abdul Latif:
Is it possible for you to have a personal email to
communicate with you personally?
Dina Amr
did you knowthat you have many fans loved your series
firtina so much?