MURAT YILDIRIM IN THE ARABIC MAGAZINES Murat Yildirim & meeting at the University of ODT | Page 9

the gentlemen continues with something regarding taking a picture. Murat Yildirim asks as he looks at his watch what is the date today, and jokes about the end of March, no the middle of April not exactly the middle of April, Maybe June 15th. He then says it might be possible to do in the middle of April, he points to someone and the gentlemen says he will give this person his card, and Murat Yildirim responds most definitely definitely and as this person goes to get the card Murat Yildirim asks for an extra one for himself. The gentlemen then proceeds to say he is going back to his seat, and Murat Yildirim says if you are uncomfortable please let me know, because at this point we are friends, and it was good that we met, we now know how he really feels.

Murat Yildirim starts to discuss how many government buildings he noticed on his way to this University, and that he did not notice a single normal building on his way that they were all government buildings as he mentions the names of the buildings he does so in a comically manner the audience is laughing and he asks which one are they laughing at, also he comments about all the traffic for it being a Saturday that there is not this much traffic in Istanbul on a Saturday, May God help you all....
