Köfte (meatball) is another meat dish in Turkey. The word köfte is sometimes preceded by the name of a town, which refers to the technique for cooking it or the ingredients or spices specifically used in that region, for example; negöl köftesi, Sultanahmet köftesi, zmir köfte, Akçaabat köfte, Bursa köfte, Filibe köfte, Tire köfte, Islama köfte (mainly in Sakarya province) etc. Its main ingredients are minced meat, parsley, bread-egg (not necessarily, usually homemade köfte contains egg yolk and some crumbled bread) and a range of spices: cumin, oregano, mint powder, red or black pepper powder with onion or garlic. Kadnbudu köfte is another traditional speciality; minced meat is mixed with cooked rice and fried. Içli köfte can be described as a shell of "bulgur" filled with onion, minced meat and nuts. Çi köfte is a meze from south-eastern Turkey meaning raw meatballs, prepared with "bulgur" and raw minced meat. Terbiyeli Sulu Köfte is another meatball speciality cooked with flour, tomato paste and water in which lemon and egg sauce is added.
Sujuk (sucuk) is a form of raw sausage (made with beef meat and a range of spices, especially garlic, slightly similar to Spanish chorizo) commonly eaten with breakfast. Instead of classical sausages (sosis), sujuk is the most used ingredient for snacks and fast-food style toasts and sandwiches in Turkey.
Pastrma is another famous beef delicacy (see pastrami). Both pastrma and sujuk can be put in kuru fasulye (dry beans) to enrich the aroma. Both can be served as a meze as well. Sucuk or pastrma with scrambled eggs, served in a small pan called sahan, is eaten at breakfast in Turkey.
Kokoreç (the intestines of sheep) with spices is a traditional low-price fast food in Turkey.
Liver is fried in Turkish cuisine. "Arnavut cieri" (meaning Albanian liver), served with onion and sumac, is usually eaten as a meze, in combination with other mezes such as fava. "Edirne cieri" is another famous liver dish from Edirne. Liver is first frozen so that it can be cut into very thin layers. After being cut off, liver layers are fried.
Kelle (Roasted Sheep's Head)
Kuzu Etli Enginar (artichokes with lamb)
Etli Taze Fasulye (green beans stew with meat)
Pastrmal Kuru Fasulye (white kidney bean with pastirma)
Etli Bamya (okra with meat or chicken)
kembeli Nohut (chickpea with tripe)
Piliç Dolma (stuffed chicken with spice filling)