They wrote about this as if they witnessed us making this agreement. There is not reason to even discuss this any further. In our home there is not such a agreement, nor did we even ever discuss this, this is what the newspaper wrote only.
~What kind of difficulties do you have together? We compare our work schedules, if they are comparable its great. There are times that our schedules clash. Sometimes I only have a four day schedule,
, but his schedule is more hectic and has to work six says. But we meet at home in the evenings.
~Any plans on starting a family? I am not ready yet, I still want a little more time
~The serial EZEL is a phenomenal sensation in Dubai, and you were with the cast when they recently visited, what was that feeling like? Yes, the serial is very popular in Dubai, I had not expected that much attention. They had a red carpet ceremony, we all were flattered and enjoyed it very much, our eyes filled with tears over the people, they are beautiful people very sincere.
~The serial is coming to an end this season, how does cast/crew feel? We will better realize this while taping the last two episode I am sure we will all be hurting.
~EZEL is a different type of serial, as it has raised the stakes, what do you think? Being in the serial we choose not to use this type of terminology, but I entered the serial in the 20th episode; prior to that I was a viewer and enjoyed the serial very much.