Mundelein Park District Program Guide Winter2019_Spring2020 brochure_online | Page 33
RoboThink Soccer Bot Workshop (Ages 6–12)
Wow! It's Magic (Ages 5–12)
Build a robot and play an exciting game of robot soccer
in this entertaining workshop! Our lesson plans are
built around RoboThink's innovative kits, plans and
STEM curriculum, designed by teachers and engineers.
The activities are interactive, hands-on and engaging
to promote learning in a fun way. No prior experience
required. Learn amazing magic tricks and take them home to entertain
family and friends. A variety of tricks are taught and new
ones are shown at every class so you can enroll again and
again. Learn card tricks, coin tricks and more. Led by The
Magic Team of Gary Kantor.
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center Prog Day
0010.33.1 W
Jan 8
6:45–7:40 pm
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0008.33.1 10 am–12 pm $35/38
Dec 7
RoboThink After School Robotics Club (Ages 6–12)
Held at Libertyville Sports Complex, 1950 Rte. 45
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0011.33.1 M Apr 6 5–5:55 pm $19/24
Youth/Teen Enrichment
Build amazing robots, engage in exciting robotics
challenges, and have STEM-tastic fun! Equipped with
RoboThink’s innovative kits, use motors, sensors, gears
and mainboards to create robots of all shapes, sizes
and functions. Each session students are introduced to
engineering concepts through our trained instructors and
picture-based lesson plans. Students apply these concepts
to solve challenges and provide solutions to problems.
RoboThink’s lesson plans and STEM curriculum are designed
by teachers and engineers. This activity is interactive,
hands-on and engaging to promote learning in a fun way!
No prior experience necessary. There are different curricula
to adjust for different experience levels. (8 wks)
Held Mundelein Community Center
Day Date
Jan 27–Mar 16
Time R/NR
4:30–6 pm $220/240
RoboThink Battle-Bots Workshop (Ages 6–12)
Learn how to build robots, then battle your creations
against other robots in our exciting workshop! Our
lesson plans are built around RoboThink's innovative kits,
which include gears, motors, sensors, and mainboards.
The activities are interactive, hands-on and engaging
to promote learning in a fun way! No prior experience
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
Prog Day Date Time R/NR
0009.33.1 Sa 10 am–12 pm $35/38
Mar 28
Chess Wizards (Ages 6–12)
Enter into the magical and exciting world of chess with
Chess Wizards! You will participate in epic chess games,
fun and interactive lessons, tournaments, team matches,
trivia and more! Our specialized classes are a blast
for everyone kindergarten through fifth. Whether you
have been playing chess for your entire life and want to
improve, are brand new to the game, or you just want to
have a fun experience with your friends - Chess Wizards is
the place for you!
Held at Dunbar Recreation Center
Day Date
Wks Time
0012.33.1 Tu Dec 3–Feb 18 10 3:45–4:45 pm $180/190
0013.33.1 Tu Mar 10–Apr 21 6 3:45–4:45 pm $108/114
No class on December 24 & 31
Winter 2019/Spring 2020