MUNDANO MAG Special English Issue | Page 34

Since 2011 Dencia figures among American superstar, having presenting herself at the mainstream showbiz events over the US. But nothing is so commented and discussed than her own product, named Whitenicious, a dangerous skin whitener which promises nearly perfect and instant whitening. She ensures that the cream is used to whiten the skin stains: “the cream is for dark stains, but if you feel that all your body is a dark stain, use it on all of it” says the Cameroonian. Doctors all over the world warn people about the issues the product might cause, among them: cancer, lupus and even DNA malnutrition, injuring the product users in the next generations. The polemic has increased even more when groups against racism and celebrities all over the world condemned Dencia for her product. a serious disease does not keep those girls away from trying to be free from prejudice. Densia’s last attempt was trying to donate one million dollars to help in Ebola combat, even though she could not disassociate her negative image from Whitenicious. The product is still new; although it is believed that in a short time some people will suffer the consequences of this Before Even having prohibitions and warnings, the product has been quite sold in the US, Africa and India and some Brazilian girls seem to be interested in it according to what they post on their social networks. The imminent risk of MUNDANO mag 34