MUNDANO MAG Special English Issue | Page 25

Before I get into the various limitations of BMI, I must point out that the measure is quite useful across large populations, as it is well correlated with the degree of adiposity, and of course it is extremely simple to measure in clinical practice. ples and pears For over 60 years, we have known that independent of how heavy a person is, the distribution of their body weight, or more generally the shape of their body is a key predictor of health risk. It is now Nevertheless, here are some of the key issues with well established that individuals who deposit much BMI, particularly when used on an individual basis. of their body weight around their midsection, the so called apple-shaped, are at much greater risk of 1. BMI does not differentiate between the disease and early mortality in contrast to the so calMichelin Man and The Terminator led pear-shaped, who carry their weight more peOk, we might as well just get this abundantly obvi- ripherally, particularly in the lower body. Thus, two ous problem out of the way. I have heard countless individuals with a BMI of 32 kg/m2 could have times how one buff celebrity or another (e.g. Tom drastically different body shapes, and thus varying Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Rock etc.) risk of disease and early mortality. would be classified as overweight or obese accorFortunately, a very simple measure allows you or ding to their BMI due to their excess amount of your physician to decide whether your elevated muscle. Yes, this is absolutely true. BMI is a meaBMI is وH\H܈X\