MUNCAS XIII GAZETTE (clone) | Page 13

After several hours of discussion, the UN decided to send scientists from the Russian Federation to check the veracity of some information related to the deadline for the process of denuclearization in North Korea. Some resolutions in the committee are presented below:

-Exposing the nuclear central that stores plutonium at North Korea.

-Sanctioning North Korea for the usage of nuclear weapons.

-Advocating all countries to offer help with resources to provide humanitarian assistance by offering one hundred million dollars.

-Dismantling 60% of the jails in the country.

-Providing technical assistance to North Korea, being the United States the country to lead it.

-Stating the inclusion of North Korea to the UN.

Simultaneously, the UN received an inquiry from the Arab League committee looking forward to discussing a solution to the recent problem of the attack to Hezbollah from Bashar al-Assad with chemical weapons. As a result, the Security Council got together with ISIS Iran’s representatives to state nine conditions for accepting any negotiation with the UN. At the moment, the Council has shown a complete disapproval to these proposals and has not decided anything yet regarding the issue of the regime of Bashar al-Assad.


Security Council

Pictures by: Suhamny Navas