Mummy and Me Magazine August 2014 October-November 2014 | Page 19

Liverpool tnirp tamrof llams - sehsalpS Splashes - small format print Learn to swim with Puddle Ducks! Splashes - car window livery yrevil wodniw rac - sehsalpS From newborn to independent swimmer, our unique programme develops water confidence and vital life saving skills with the most caring, %05 ta 113 enotnaP KYMC highly trained teachers around. Small format printing For the outer Blue border we have used Pantone 312c at 70% and for the inner blue, we are using pantone 311c at 100% Converted to CMYK tnirp tamrof llams - sehsalpS Splashes - small format print Mossley Hill, West Derby and Broadgreen FREE taster session Classes available across Liverpool, Chester & Wirral 7 days a week! Contact our friendly team on yrevil wodniw rac - sehsalpS [email protected] 01829 740825 Friday... Splashes - car window livery 09:00am  -­‐  11:45am 09:15am  -­‐  10:00am 09:30am Health  Visitor  Weigh  &  Advice  (0-­‐2years) Jumping  Jacks  (12  months+) Music  &  Movement St.Mary's  Playgroup  (2.5yrs  -­‐  4yrs) Dingle  Lane  Children's  Centre L8  9UB 0151  233  4930 Banks  Road  Methodist  Church  Hall L19  8HZ 0151  233  6868 St.Mary's  Church,  Grassendale L19  0NE ACTIVITY TIMETABLE New classes across Liverpool in Drop  In Drop  In Term  Time  Only 09:30am  -­‐  10:30am Story  and  Rhyme  Time Toxteth  Library L8  1XF 09:30am  -­‐  11:00am Knit  and  Natter Childwall  &  Woolton  Children's  Centre L16  4PQ 0151  233  5733 FREE 09:30am  -­‐  11:30am Childminder  Drop-­‐In Picton  Children's  Centre L7  6HD 0151  233  1200 Drop  In Drop  In Term  Time  Only £1 09:30am  -­‐  11:30am Mums  and  Tots St.Anthony  of  Padua,  Mossley  Hill L18  8AY 09:30am  -­‐  11:30am Stay  and  Play Speke  Five  Children's  Centre L24  0TW 09:30am  -­‐  11:30am WAM  Toddler  Group  (0-­‐5  years) Wellington  Avenue  Methodist  Church 10:00am  -­‐  11:00am Sing-­‐along-­‐a-­‐tots 10:00am  -­‐  11:00am Tiny  Reads  (Under  5's) 10:00am  -­‐  11:15am Big  Art  Parent  &  Toddler Walker  Art  Gallery,  City  Centre L3  8EL FREE 10:00am  -­‐  11:30am Jubilee  Tots  (Under  5's) St  Agnes  and  St  Pancras  Church  Hall L17  3BA FREE 10:00am  -­‐  12:00pm City  Tots  (0-­‐5  years) 2  Blackburne  Place L8  7PE FREE 10:00am  -­‐  12:00pm Parent  &  Toddler  Group St.Columba  United  Reformed  Church L25  0NR 10:00am  -­‐  12:00pm Sticky  Fingers  Parent  &  Toddler Frontline  Centre,  Lawrence  Rd L15  0HY 0151  733  3373 £3.50  per  family 10:30am  -­‐  11:15am Jumping  Jacks  (12  months+) Music  &  Movement Belle  Vale  Children's  Centre L25  2RW 0151  233  6868 Call  to  Book 11:00am  -­‐  12:00pm Rhyme  Time Picton  CC  at  The  Greenhouse  Project 11:00am  -­‐  12:30am BAMBIS  Bosom  Buddies Garston  Children's  Centre 12:15pm  -­‐  13:00pm Little  Fishes  Swimming (8  weeks  -­‐  2  years) 12:30pm  -­‐  14:30pm Church  &  Mossley  Hill  Children's  C at  SARA  Hall,  Rundle  Road Calderstones  Mansion, Calderstones  Park 0151  486  9719 Drop  In L17  0AQ 0151  233  5399 Call  to  Book L18 0151  729  2200 £2  Suggested Donation L15  0EJ £2 £2  per  child 0151  233  1200 Call  for  Info L19  8JZ 0151  233  6868 Drop  In Garston  Children's  Centre  at Springwood  Heath  Primary  School L19  4TL 0151  233  6868 Call  to  Book Greenbank  Toddlers  (0-­‐4  years) Greenb