Mumbo Jumbo Spring 2014 | Page 4

A Heartbeat Is A Love Beat

And A Love Beat Is A Good Vibration

The DeFranco Family may have fizzled as a pop sensation, but the message from their 1973 hit, "Heartbeat, It's A Love Beat" has withstood both the test of time and the rigors of scientific scrutiny. A love beat is in fact a good vibration.

As we reported in the inaugural issue of Mumbo Jumbo, each of us is an electromagnetic being of light emanating our personal energy vibration, or frequency, out to the rest of the world. This vibration originates from our heart and can be detected anywhere on our bodies. It can be sensed not only by a person who is touching us but also by people who are as far as 18 inches away (see Institute of HeartMath [IHM] illustration below).

So what exactly are we telling each other via our invisible energy bubbles? Nothing less than our emotions, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs – whether or not we’ve expressed them – and whether or not we're even conscious of them. Our vibration is essentially a broadcast of the

energetic conversation that’s

occurring between our hearts

and our heads.

Penney Peirce, author of

"Frequency The Power of

Personal Vibration," says

our individual frequency can

range from open, expansive

and loving to closed off and

fearful, all within the course

of a day. This seesawing of

of our vibration occurs more frequently if we're not operating from

our home, or soul frequency.

IHM scientists have another name for this most healthy and beneficial of vibrational states. They call it heart coherence – a harmonious physiological state in which our entire body beats to the same drum – the beat of the wisdom of our hearts.

IHM explains. “In this context, thoughts and emotional states can be considered “coherent” or “incoherent.” We describe positive emotions such as love or appreciation as coherent states, whereas negative feelings such as anger, anxiety or frustration are examples of incoherent states. “

Scientists at IHM have found that different emotional states lead to different degrees of rhythmic coherence in our bodies.

Just look at the two heart rhythm charts on the next page. The “coherent” frequency on the left has an orderly flow. It's the type of rhythm we have when we're feeling gratitude and love.