Multi-Unit Franchisee Magazine Issue II, 2011 | Page 93

FOR THREE YEARS RUNNING, BOJANGLES’ HAS BEEN ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING RESTAURANT CHAINS IN THE COUNTRY. WE’RE NOT SLOWING DOWN. COME SEE WHY-® fact, and many opportunistic buyers think they can steal good deals in the current environment. The realities of the marketplace are that few “distressed” deals get done. In actuality, many bankrupt companies sell for higher prices than anticipated, unless the performance has deteriorated to the point where the company has questionable life as a going concern. Buyers should be diligent but realistic, and focus more on how they can logically improve the cash flow of the business than on buying for the lowest possible valuation. If buyers are too aggressive on deal pricing, sellers simply will go away and resurface when conditions improve. M&a slowly recovering The second half of 2010 witnessed a significant improvement in terms of deal activity, and we expect 2011 and beyond to improve on that momentum. While the environment has yet to reach pre-2008 levels of deal activity and buyer interest, Cypress is observing the rumblings and positioning among the industry players, evidence of their renewed and heightened interest in M&A transactions. The level of scrutiny in deal due diligence remains high, as private equity firms and some underleveraged strategic buyers become more active, but we have no doubt that the players are getting ready for the game. Sure, there is some caution in the