Multi-authoring stories in English Volume 1 | Page 64
Once upon a time, there were three boys and
a girl who loved playing soccer. One day, they
joined a soccer team called The Champions. It
played in second division and it also competed
in the King’s Cup.
One day, tired of playing football, they bought a
Nintendo Switch and played all day. They played
so much that it broke down. They were very angry
and they wanted a new Nintendo. Fortunately, a
fat guy bought a new Nintendo Switch for them.
Children were so happy they gave him a ton of
Created by Álvaro, Axel, Alexandra,
Pyry, Tinka, Niilo, Marcus and
‘Let’s stop playing video games,’ the girl said.
‘This is not healthy, let’s play football again.’ Now
they see each other at the park every day and
train many hours. They love to spend the day
together because they laugh a lot. They always
tell each other adventures and games and have
lots of fun.