Multi-authoring stories in English Volume 1 | Page 22
Then the kids went to Gafotas' father's workplace,
but he wasn’t there. So Romeo said: ‘What shall
we do now?’
When Julia opened her mind, she decided to call
Gafotas' father.
Bringg-bringg. ‘Oh, what a fright! What a
disaster!,’ said Gafotas on the phone. ‘Tell me
what you want and do it quickly because I'm late
for work,’ replied his dad. ‘Okay, I was going to
tell you that we are at your workplace because
we want to ask you something important about
you and space. If you come with us we will tell
you,’ said Gafotas. ‘Okay, I'm coming,’ replied
his father.
Gafotas’ father crashed with his car. An
ambulance came and paramedics took him to
the hospital. Doctors said that he had broken his
leg. Gafotas’ father called his son and his friends
came to the hospital. They met Gafotas’ father in
his room. ‘What did you want to tell me?,’ asked
Gatofas’ father.