Muhammed Speaks 1967 | Page 2

Like many of our black youth today, Malcolm was ignorant of the the spiritual history of Islam of the so-called Negro in America. Yes, Islam is the only religion of the black man, not praying to a blue-eyed, white god to take away the suffering at the hands of "good Christians." Malcolm, who's slave name was Little, was allured by the white man's poision of liquor, drugs, music and white women, that the white man has pushed into Negro cities across America. On the streets of Harlem, Minister Malcolm paraded around like a clown with his zoot-suit, his conked hair, a young white whore on his arm, trying to be just like the white man and hating himself and his people. Harlem, just like here in Chicago, is a breeding ground for wayward black youth. He arrived in Harlem in 1943, during the "Race Riot of 1943," when spiritually devoid so called Negroes thought destroying their own neighborhoods would fix the substandard housing, unemployment and crime rampant in Harlem. What they got was more white violence, more crime, more black men incarerated and a city left burning: for change, for a spiritual leader to follow. That leader, that only savior is Master Fard Muhammad and the merciful Allah.

Minister Malcolm thought that by stealing from the white man's treasure chest, he would fill the void in his soul, the gaping hole from years of wasted talent and bowing down to the demands of the white man's world. Young Malcolm ran with a group of hustlers, criminals who made money off the plight of their own people, selling drugs, pimping black queens and running numbers. He is fond of saying that these men could have been Doctors and Lawyers but were victims of the American nightmare. Did all this hustling and debauchery improves young Malcolm's life? No! He made a few dollars, but ultimately ended up in the white man's new slave system, a cage to keep so-called Negroes who are a danger to white society: the prison system. Can we blame him for what happened at his young age? Fortunately, Malcolm accepted Allah. Education and self-discipline is the only keys to the black man's survival in America. Welfare and other

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Minister Malcolm's mugshot

circa 1946