MudRunFun Magazine Sept. 2013 | страница 43

What it means to be a part of a community of motivating individuals & how you are leveraging it to train at a higher level. As a team, we also have a team page that we discuss topics such as training, diet, sports clothing, among many other things.  We motivate each other by posting our daily workouts and health strategies.  Some of our team mates are near each other, and they have formed training sessions in their respective areas.  We are an open team, so everyone The OCR community is a tight knit family. That being said, Azn Armour also teamed up with another east coast team, MudRunFun (MRF). Being able to be part of the MRF family means no one person will ever have to run a race alone.  Given that personal touch, really brings it to home for me.  You are not just another face on Facebook, you are and anyone are welcomed.  We are a fun group, and if possible, we always tailgate at the races and enjoy the stories and memories that are created from the awesome experiences that Spartan Race give us.  To learn more about Azn Armour and our fun ninja ways, please hit our Facebook page, family, if you run with Azn Armour and MRF.  I have yet to meet in person all of the good folks of the OCR world, but one of these days, I will… along with all of the awesome racers I have met online as well. AZN Armour, We Leave No One Behind! With our team Azn Armour being represented at most, if not all Spartan Races, really brings together the close knit community that we have formed.  Our team runs together and we don’t leave ANY team member behind.  Every member on the team will cross the Finish line, and we make sure of that.  We First Azn Armour team, at the Florida Super Spartan 2011 L –> R: Sam Belfiore (Badass Sam), Carol Yang (Crazy Carol), Michael Jacob (Magic Mike), Jaymes Tran (JT) recruit true couch potatoes onto our team.  Most of our members are first time mud/obstacle racers.  We help make their race enjoyable, and keep them wanting more. 40