OCR I had set my sights on post surgery was the
Superhero Scramble Charger down in Miami. I had
gone with a friend of mine and we were dressed
up as Woody and Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. I
mean, why participate in mud runs if you can’t dress
up? That’s half the fun! Before our wave had started,
we saw a massive group of people amass and they
were all dressed up in orange and green and some
had capes and others had Viking hats and my friend
and I were just amazed by the amount of people that
were there. While we were basically just gawking
at this group, out of nowhere, the race started, my
heart was throbbing and my hands were shaking
from sheer excitement of the chance to be hitting
the trails again and going through a new OCR. It
was the best and worst feeling in the world. As the
race went on I was breathing hard because I was still
fresh off of my surgery, but as we continued through
the course I noticed my friend and I kept playing a
Come December 2012, I went under the knife and
game of leapfrog with a couple MudRunFunners.
had surgery to have my thyroid completely removed.
Those two darling ladies came to be Linda Anders &
And I’m extremely happy to say that I came out
Ashley Bri’Anne. And even though I was breathing
okay, there were no complications whatsoever after
hard, and not used to running like before, I was
the surgery. But that month of recuperation was
still dominating that course. And before I knew it,
extremely terrible. Not terrible in the sense that I
the race was over, I conquered every obstacle, and I
was in agony, writhing in pain. I mean I couldn’t
was feeling like my old self again. While extremely
talk at all for a couple weeks, and it took about two
happy, I didn’t really stick around after the race was
months time till my voice got completely back to
over to get to know this amazing group of people; I
normal, but I went from working out every single
was dead tired from the run and just wanted to go
day to being bed ridden waiting to fully heal. Time
had gone by agonizingly slow, but when I had the
chance to start training again, I was elated.
And that’s when it happened, the day I came to
know a group that I would one day call my
As I said before, I was finally
cleared by my doctors to train,
workout and part X?\]H[?????Y?Z[??[?H?\????^X?H?H?YZ?]\?H?[??[??\????HY?Y?\?\?Y??