glance, but those who know him on and off the
Mike Dixon, known on the course as Red. Quick
course, know he would do anything for the ones he
would be an understatement when describing Ole
loves. There are three things in his life that are never
Red. Taking on hills and rope climbing are his
in question, His love for his daughter, his Marine
strongest advantage. You can hear him from a mile
brothers, and his desire to take the best pictures
away chanting his “YEYEYEYE” scaling down a
on the course. Again, those who know him know
mountain. The former Marine in him always takes
exactly what I am talking about.
over when it comes to teamwork and adversity.
Ambur Holley, Known on the course as Guns.
Kathleen Ramirez, Known as “Coach” on the
The girl is stacked. Watch out gentleman she can lift
course. Although tiny, she is fierce. Proud mother of
heavier weights than most men. Trained to compete
three boys that are part of the “minibags” team. Her
with the best but also a gentle caring mother to her
ambition comes from them. She will take on any
Daughter Kylie. Her joining the team was a true
obstacle in front of her and any terrain. The clumsy
one in the group, you can count on her to face