Nabilah Fountain
The weight loss industry is a 60 billion industry
to do. One of the many reasons structured diets
and it’s growing at lightning speed. Many people
do not work for the long term is simply because
want that quick fix; that miracle pill. Something
it’s disempowering in the same manner that giving
they can pop in their mouth and all the fat they
a man a fish is. You know the old saying…”give a
accumulated over the years just melts away
man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man
revealing a slimmer, sleeker version of themselves. I
to fish and you feed him for a life time. This is true
hate to be the one to burst your bubble but if it took
when it comes to almost anything in life but it’s
time to put it on it will take time to take it off. A
especially true when it comes to selecting a nutrition
better option is selecting a nutrition program geared
plan that’s right for you. Here are 3 tips to selecting
towards both fat loss and health and one developed
and starting a nutrition program and embarking on
for sustainability.
Many nutrition programs are
a path of to health and longevity.
#1. Chose a plan that allows you the freedom to
designed to tell you what to
make choices. The plan should come with several
do rather that teach you what
options and a deep explanation as to why those