The Mud Run Blueprint for Fitness
sleep, and exercise. While sleeping your metabolism
has shifted down to its slowest rate for the entire day.
Mud runs are morning events beginning as early
The longer that you wait to start your metabolism
back up in the morning, the fewer calories that you
as 8:00am and running through the afternoon. That
will burn all day, and the higher your body weight
means your body needs to be firing on all cylinders
will be. One step in building a lean and healthy
first thing in the morning. A good early morning
body is to fully engage your metabolism as soon
stretch and flex program is going to get your
as possible. You need a metabolism boost in the
muscles, joints, metabolism, and mind ready for
morning just like you might need a morning caffeine
morning action.
If you typically do your main workout in the
If your metabolism remains on “night slow”
afternoon, you also need something short and quick
for just one additional hour of your waking day,
to boost your metabolism in the morning. This is
then that can be as much as a 6% decrease in your
a good time to focus on flexibility, circulation, and
daily metabolism. This could mean as much as a
your core strength. This is not a second, full out,
6% increase in your weight. Or a lost opportunity
high intensity workout. It is a booster to wake up
to drop 6% of your body weight with a very small
your metabolism and get you moving for
the rest of the day.
Your body burns calories at
different rates when you work,
investment in physical activity.
You need to invest 15 minutes each morning to
drop 6 to 18 pounds of body fat over the span of a
single year.