when I heard they had added not only a 5 mile race
(whoops), finishing mile 1 in 7:58 minutes. Knowing
option, but also a kids race with obstacles for this
there was no possibility of holding that pace, I
years event. I decided on the 5 mile race, and was
quickly adjusted down to a more comfortable yet
ready to redeem myself from a 5K last year where
still aggressive 8:30 pace and ran on. Here’s where
I had started out way too fast, and by the final
my stubborn runner streak comes in; to me mile 1
mile had slowed considerably as side cramps and
usually feels great, but then you realize
exhaustion overtook me.
that you still have to take on the rest
I arrived the morning of the event so eager
of the race, so it’s then you decide
to race, that yet again I started out a bit too fast
to buckle down and push through