The Tenacious Runner
I truly have a love of the running community, and
feel very proud and fortunate to be a part of such
a great group of people. Recently, I was reminded
again not only why I love to race, but also why I
respect my fellow runners so very much.
There’s nothing quite like being surrounded by
a group of runners striving toward the finish line.
I truly believe that any person who
runs for fitness needs to make a
point to participate in a race
once in a while. Running for
fitness is awesome, it’s a great
calorie burner, a wonderful way to clear your head,
and (although there are many that will disagree with
this) it just feels good! But race day is truly like none
Runners feed off of each other’s energy. The
adrenaline rush the race atmosphere produces
pushes us to run faster and longer than we thought
possible. We are constantly striving to better
ourselves. With that said, I do believe there is one
trait we as runners all share in common: we are
stubborn. Now I know that this does not sound
the most complimenting, but honestly it really is
true. Runners are stubborn, hard-headed, and quite
tenacious. Ask any runner about their race day