Mudpuddler June 2014 June 2014 | Page 2

COMMODORE’s REPORT AGM 2013 / 14  Rod Thomas  Albert Sailing Club had another solid year May 2013 to April 2014. Highlights included :  Increasing activity levels with new and newer members on Saturday mornings.  Three 8-week Learn to Sail programs with just over 40 participants.  "Green Fleet" sailing most Saturday mornings for juniors and some seniors who have progressed beyond Learn to Sail. Thanks to our dedicated Instructors, and Assistant Instructors. To continue to provide these programs, and for levels above Learn to Sail, we need more Instructors and assistants.  Two regattas. Our annual two-day regatta in June 2013, again with over 100 participants.  The Grand Prix mini sailing Regatta hosted by APYC and ASC in March 2014, which included 20 ASC crewed boats (mainly newer members), and 13 Minnows from Blairgowrie.    Good numbers of club members participating in class association events including Australian and Victorian Open and Masters titles Travellers and training events. Their involvement improves their own sailing and increases awareness of our club. Paul Farrell showed the way, winning the Australian Impulse titles over the Christmas-New Year period. A broader range of on-water 'Discover Sailing' activities including: public open day (November), a midweek Corporate sailing session (February), a sailing birthday party for a junior member (April), and monthly Sunday Social Sailing Days with open invitation for prospective members (November to April). Our "Discover Sailing" programs in 2012/13 were recognised with a Yachting Victoria award in June. We have continued our core weekly club racing on Saturday afternoons, with average fleet sizes a little lower than in previous years. Also, midweek twilight sailing from November to March, with small fleets. continued on Page 3 ....... The Albert Sailing Club, Inc. Aquatic Drive, Albert Park Lake South Melbourne, 3205 (03)-9690-2374 FLAG OFFICERS & COMMITTEE 2014/15 OFFICE NAME Commodore: Don McKenzie Vice Commodore: John Whelan Immed. PastCommodore: Rod Thomas Secretary : Bill Avallone Assisting Secretary: Matt Leishman Treasurer: Cindy Tilbrook Club Captain: Rod Caddaye Committee: Steve Lincoln Colin Webb Mark Cripsey Sally Lewis Richard Rawlins Victoria Whatmore PHONE MOBILE PORTFOLIO 9583-9878 9347 4464 9459 5327 9596-4815 0412 333 743 0414 251 669 Contracts & Social Membership & Meetings 0404 818 048 9645 0629 Finances 0407 877 756 0429 151 590 0418 501 517 Club Committee meets at 7.30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month (none in January). Club members are welcome to attend, and participate on a non-voting basis. Page 2