MU magazine fall 2023 Volume 117 | Issue 2 | Fall 2023 | Page 25

MU | Homecoming Highlights

Alumni Honor Awards

Three Manchester graduates were celebrated at this year ’ s Alumni Honor Awards during Homecoming 2023 .
Philip Joseph ’ 64 received an Alumni Honor Award for his lifelong artistic passion and public service . He has won many awards at regional and national levels , and his paintings are in more than 100 public institutions and corporate collections .
Steve Mock ’ 77 received an Alumni Honor Award for his work at the University of Montana Western and dedication to rock and mountain climbing . He led UMW ’ s adoption of an innovative new academic curriculum , which earned him the 2013 Mike Malone Educator of the Year Award . He has also been an avid climber for several decades , and his reputation landed him the position of director of the Khumbu Climbing Center in Nepal .
Alex Downard ’ 20 received a Young Alumni Impact Award for his leadership in Wabash County . He currently leads the Imagine One 85 initiative for Grow Wabash County . The plan includes initiatives relating to housing , workforce , early childhood education , rural broadband and other quality of life opportunities to arrest and reverse the county ’ s population decline .

Peace Studies Plaque Dedication

The annual peace studies plaque dedication honored conscientious objectors across the world . To celebrate the 75th anniversary of peace studies at Manchester , a photo was taken of all peace studies alumni and friends who attended the ceremony .
LEFT : The annual peace studies plaque dedication honored conscientious objectors across the world ; RIGHT : To celebrate the 75th anniversary of peace studies at Manchester , alumni , current students and friends of the program captured a photo together .
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