MU magazine fall 2023 Volume 117 | Issue 2 | Fall 2023 | Page 13

“ In my experience , everybody working together will move a strategic plan forward .”
MU | Strategic Plan

M anchester ’ s 2022-2027 strategic plan is organized around three major themes : distinctively Manchester teaching and learning , focused investment and growth , and being an inspiring place to learn and work . Each theme involves three strategies , and those strategies are put into action through multiple initiatives .

Manchester community has their own unique role in furthering the plan . While people work on their specific areas , the plan keeps everyone progressing in the same direction . “ It ’ s kind of our roadmap to follow to move Manchester further , faster ,” she said . “ And we have these points along the way , so we know we ’ re doing a good job .”
great stories without students . Students are everything .”
In her interactions with alumni and donors , Young has noticed that many of them express interest in Manchester ’ s plan for the future .
Adopted by the Board of Trustees in October 2022 , the plan was developed by people from all areas of the Manchester community , and was created based on what is important to them . This mission-driven plan serves as a guide to ensure that , years from now , the University can continue graduating persons of ability and conviction .
President Stacy Hendricks ’ 96 Young immediately embraced the strategic plan upon her arrival , making it one of the focal points of her first few months .
“ If everybody is working on the initiatives we can move together and actually achieve them . In my experience , everybody working together will move a strategic plan forward .”
While the entire plan is necessary to move Manchester into the future , Young sees enrollment growth as the top priority and the element of the plan that most motivates her work . “ We can ’ t have a meaningful place to work if we don ’ t have students ,” Young said . “ We can ’ t have vibrant student experiences without students . We can ’ t tell our

“ In my experience , everybody working together will move a strategic plan forward .”

“ If people are investing in Manchester , they want to know that we ’ re not just randomly doing things . They want to know that they ’ re investing in the future and that we have a plan for how we ’ re going to use that money and that it ’ s part of a bigger mission .”
Read through the full plan here .
Making the strategic plan known and visible across both Manchester locations is integral to achieving it . Young has had banners with the plan ’ s themes and strategies put up in every building and has made sure every employee has a physical copy .
“ It was important to me to get the Manchester University Strategic Plan , already a year old , in front of faculty and staff every day ,” Young said . “ Today , each staff and faculty member has a copy . We are also putting the plan into action , connecting it to our everyday work , referencing it to our budget , and including it in written work . Highlighting the strategic plan in these ways will keep the focus on University priorities .”
With so many different strategies and initiatives at play , each member of the
Manchester University ’ s 2022-2027 strategic plan
Manchester | 13