MTH 221 ASSIST Possible Everything/ MTH 221 ASSIST Possible Everything/ | Page 3

FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Week 1 DQ1 Consider the problem of how to arrange a group of n people so each person can shake hands with every other person. How might you organize this process? How many times will each person shake hands with someone else? How many handshakes will occur? How must your method vary according to whether or not n is even or odd? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTH 221 Week 1 DQ 2 (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Week 1 DQ2 There is an old joke that goes something like this: “If God is love, love is blind, and Ray Charles is blind, then Ray Charles is God.” Explain, in the terms of first-order logic and predicate calculus, why this reasoning is incorrect. p = God is love q = Love is blind r = Ray Charles is blind s = Ray Charles is God ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------