MTH 213 MART Possible Everything/ MTH 213 MART Possible Everything/ | Page 11

Ongoing Assessment 7-2B: Exercise 19 Ongoing Assessment 7-3B: Exercise 2a, 2c, & 2e Ongoing Assessment 7-4B: Exercise 15 Mathematical Connections 7-4: Exercise 4 Ch. 8 Ongoing Assessment 8-1B: Exercise 9 Ongoing Assessment 8-2B: Exercise 27 Ongoing Assessment 8-3B: Exercise 6 Mathematical Connections 8-1: Exercises 8 & 9 Mathematical Connections 8-3: Exercise 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTH 213 Week 4 Website Survey (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT MTH 213 Week 4 Website Survey --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTH 213 Week 5 DQ 1 (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Think back to your math classroom experiences—elementary or postsecondary. What did your teacher do that helped you learn