MTH 213 MART Possible Everything/ MTH 213 MART Possible Everything/ | Page 2
MTH 213 Week 4 Individual Assignment Text Problems
MTH 213 Week 4 Website Survey
MTH 213 Week 5 DQ 1
MTH 213 Week 5 DQ 2
MTH 213 Week 5 Reflective Paper
MTH 213 Week 5 Comprehensive Quiz
MTH 213 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Chapter Synthesis
MTH 213 Week 1 DQ 1 (UOP)
Visit the NCTM website by following the given directions:
1. Open
2. Go to the Standards and Focal Points portion from the above
navigation bar.
3. Click the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics navigation
bar present on the left side of the page.
4. Go to the Standards Overview section.
5. Go to Standards for Grades Pre-K-2.
6. Click on Standards for Grades 3-5.
7. Click on Standards for Grades 6-8.