Veteran's Day
November 11th
Our school counselors planned a Veteran's Day assembly for Friday, November 11th. Jeanne Shuck and Bill Wright from the Perry VFW Post 4088 hosted the ceremony. Judge Bringer spoke to the on-lookers. The public was invited to attend the ceremony including over 800 students, faculty & staff. At 9:00, all district students and employees met at the flagpole in front of Ralls County Elementary for a flag dedication ceremony. Our flagpole and flag at Ralls County Elementary will be dedicated to all Ralls County military personnel who have served our country in the past, are currently serving, or will serve in the future. We owe a great debt to these fine men and women.It was a great day! Following the ceremony students in grades 6-12 partnered with students in K-5 to work on a project that would be shared with Veterans.