Superintendent's Corner
As the 1st semester concludes, I continue to be impressed by the amount of community support for Ralls County R-II School District. The calendar for the next school year is being drafted and a survey to stakeholders requesting information assisted with starting the process.
I have an open door philosophy and this has been welcomed by co-workers and students alike. I enjoy greeting the students each morning and assuring they have a positive send off at the end of each day. I visit classrooms and buildings and offices each day. I continue to observe and listen to discover the traditions that are special and need to be protected and what changes the district and community are ready to make to better the school.
I have been impressed with the students and parents. Several opportunites existed in the 2nd quarter for giving to others in need. The outpouring of food donations to community groups for distribution and clothing and personal items for those who lost everything in a house fire were wonderful. Ralls County R-II students continue to impress me with their warm hearts of generosity.
Thank you for the warm welcome, I'm proud to be a Mark Twain Tiger!
Tara Lewis, Ed.D.