MSP Success October/November | Page 5


The Power Of


At our July Producers Club meeting , we had my friend Ed Mylett as our keynote speaker . As you ’ ll read in this edition , Ed is the REAL DEAL , a very wealthy and successful entrepreneur who is speaking from actual experience , delivering a “ field report ” of what he ’ s done to accumulate a personal net worth that exceeds $ 100 million and growing . He is not delivering a “ book report ” of what he saw other successful people doing that he ’ s never done . And he did it all from scratch instead of being part of the Lucky Sperm Club .

His book , The Power Of One More , is an entire dissertation to drive home one single but super-important principle of success : Do the work , PLUS a little more .
From best-selling pages to real-life stages : Author and renowned global speaker Ed Mylett with Robin at TMT ’ s top-tier peer group event
I ’ m often asked by MSPs what ’ s the “ one thing ” they should do to succeed with marketing or grow their business . This question alone reveals a serious flaw in their thinking — that it ONLY takes “ one thing ” to focus on . Truth is , it takes a LOT of things , all done simultaneously , all done with the intention and discipline to do “ one more ” rep .
A friend of mine who is not in the IT industry was attending a Tony Robbins event where he met a guy running an MSP . He asked him if he knew me . The guy replied that he did but didn ’ t want to enroll in my program because if he did , he knew it would “ sit on the shelf collecting dust .” The more accurate and honest response would have been that HE would have let it sit there and gather dust , unopened .
My friend said he just laughed his butt off at the guy , given he was at a Tony Robbins seminar attempting to learn how to grow his business . Perhaps he ’ s exactly where he needs to be , but I ’ ve worked for Tony , and I know his material well . His methods don ’ t implement themselves either .
There are many people who think that sitting their butt in a seminar room will somehow magically transform them . That maybe — just maybe — this time they ’ ll find “ something that works for them .” This is just code for an easy button they will do that they haven ’ t discovered yet that will actually get the results they want — without having to do all the things they won ’ t do or don ’ t want to do . All this accomplishes is reinforcing bad behavior and beliefs they have about themselves being a “ procrastinator ” or “ terrible at sales ” or “ undisciplined .”
overwhelming , that you have to break them down into tiny , bite-sized bits that you consistently implement over time .
If you will simply do one more thing , one more action , EVERY day , over time , consistently , you ’ ll end up with the result you want . If you want to start getting in better shape , work out just 30 minutes once a week to start , then add on one more minute , then one more day , for a year ... Before you know it , you ’ re in the best shape of your life .
If you want to write a book , write one page a day for a year , and by the end of the year , you ’ ve written a book with over 365 pages . If you make just one prospecting call a day , over a year , you ’ ll have built a list with over 365 new potential clients and very likely 3 to 4 new clients you wouldn ’ t have had otherwise , if you ’ re terrible ; 10 to 30 if you then do one more step of following up , adding them to your CRM , and implementing a drip marketing system . You get the idea .
Sometimes , all it takes is to get STARTED and then be CONSISTENT with tiny “ one more ” steps . If you ’ re not willing to do that , there ’ s very little chance of success .
Sincerely ,
NEWS FLASH : If you want to get any result , you have to
Robin Robins , Founder And CEO , MSP Success
be willing to do the work — but some things are SO big , SO
Robin Robins is the CEO and Founder of TMT . TMT is the parent company of MSP Success .