2020 may have been successful for your business , but 2021 could be better if you fully utilizing a One-Page Strategic Plan ( OPSP ). OPSP is a powerful tool that helps you edit down your vision to a single , action-oriented page .
Vision Summary
Many companies have started with a simplified version of the OPSP ( the Vision Summary ) before progressing to the more comprehensive OPSP . The Vision Summary provides a simplified OPSP framework . At ScalingUp . com , you can download a copy of the Vision Summary . This will help provide a quick snapshot of your vision .
One-Page Strategic Plan ( OPSP )
A vision is a dream with a plan : a One-Page Strategic Plan . To flesh out the vision , you should answer seven basic questions : who , what , when , where , how , why , and “ But should we or shouldn ’ t we ?” These questions anchor the seven columns of the OPSP .
To summarize , the OPSP process provides your organization with : 1 . A framework that details your corporate vision 2 . A common language with which to express that vision 3 . A well-developed routine for keeping the vision current To get started with the OPSP , download the editable document — available in various languages — from ScalingUp . com . A sample of a completed plan can also be found on the website .
The 7 Columns Of The OPSP : Strengths , Weaknesses , And Trends
OPSP Column 1 : Core Values / Beliefs
List your Core Values in the first column . These should broadly define the shoulds and shouldn ’ ts that describe the personality of your organization .
OPSP Column 2 : Purpose , Profit Per X , And BHAG
Column 2 answers some very basic “ why ” questions : Why is this company doing this ? Why should I have passion here ?
The key is for everything to align and tell a compelling story that excites and engages people to scale up the business .
OPSP Column 3 : Targets , Sandbox , And Brand Promises
As we move to Column 3 , the plan becomes more detailed . 1 . Future Date : Set the planning period ending date . 2 . Revenues : Consider doubling today ’ s target revenue .
3 . Profit : Target three times industry average profitability .
4 . Market Cap / Cash : If you have a public company , set you goal for the company to be worth the market cap . If you ’ re a private company , set a target for how much cash you would like to have in the bank .
Next , summarize the Sandbox in which the company plans to play and what needs you ’ ll satisfy for this Sandbox .
Then , choose the 3 – 5 Key Thrusts / Capabilities the company must pursue .
OPSP Column 4 : Goals
Moving to Column 4 , ask yourself : What are the No . 1 Priority , Key Initiatives , and Critical Number for the company year ?
Last , move to the middle of the column and ask : “ What are a handful of Key Initiatives we must complete this year to achieve our financial outcomes and hit our Critical Number ?”
OPSP Column 5 : Actions
Column 5 mirrors Column 4 , but it details how you will contribute this quarter to accomplishing your one-year goals , driven by the Critical Number and Rocks for the next 90 days .
OPSP Column 6 : Theme , Scoreboard Design , And Celebration / Reward
1 . Deadline : Normally the end of the current quarter 2 . Measurable Target : The quarterly Critical Number from the bottom of Column 5 3 . Theme Name : A fun and relevant title 4 . Scoreboard Design : Something visible for everyone that ’ s updated daily or weekly 5 . Celebration : Host an event to either celebrate accomplishments or commiserate 6 . Reward : Finish lines and an opportunity to have fun together
OPSP Column 7 : Your Accountability
Once the vision has been set , sit down with each individual or team in the company . The key to keeping people engaged is making a connection between day-to-day efforts and the goals of the company .
People And Process ( Reputation And Productivity )
To realize a vision , you need people doing stuff ! These two main components — people ( employees , customers , and shareholders ) and process ( make / buy , sell , and recordkeeping ) — are