Part 3 : The Ultimate , Handy-Dandy , ' Finally Moving To A Marketing System Software ' Checklist
Remember those “ choose your own adventure ” books ? You got to decide your character ’ s next actions at the end of each chapter , which took you to a new scenario , most of the time ending in your death . Or at least that ’ s how my “ choose your own adventures ” ended up : falling into a pit of snakes or getting eaten by an Amazonian spider .
Marketing automation is much like a “ choose your own adventure ” for our contacts . They unknowingly determine our next marketing touch through their actions ( or often lack of action ). Thankfully for our contacts who enter into our marketing automation sequences , it doesn ’ t end fatally .
Let ’ s do a quick refresher on what marketing automation is before we dive into what to look for .
Marketing Automation Tool : A marketing automation tool is software that “ streamlines sales and marketing organizations by replacing high-touch , repetitive manual processes with automated solutions .” Basically , we put marketing on autopilot and set up push-button , “ choose your own adventure ” -style marketing .
Not only will a marketing automation tool systematize and automate your marketing touches , but it will also track and report on actions taken , conversions made , and possible pitfalls in your marketing since we are tracking contacts movement through our marketing .
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