MSP Success Magazine April/May 2020 | Page 21

Register Now At www . RobinsBigSeminar . com
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Boot Camp Is ON ... Line !

New Dates : April 28th-May 1st

Join 2,000 + Of Your Peers For The Largest Sales , Marketing And Business Development Conference In The World For Growth-Focused MSPs , MSSPs , VARs And IT Services CEOs :

Choose When And Where To Watch ! We ’ ll have full video and chat for over 40 sessions streaming LIVE or on-demand .

Not one to back down from a fight , we ’ re still bringing you our most powerful strategies , templates and actionable blueprints to build a stronger , more lucrative and more successful IT services business .

Here ’ s what you need to know :

We ’ re producing an “ enhanced ” virtual event that is far superior to anything we ’ ve ever done … and quite frankly … better than anything we ’ ve ever seen done ! That means you ’ ll be able to visit all the sponsors ’ booths , take advantage of ‘ event-only ’ offers and discounts , experience over 40 sessions with live chat , interact with the speakers and experts all on your schedule .
Our lineup of speakers will deliver the inspirational , high-value content you signed up for ; PLUS you ’ ll get on-demand access to ALL the sessions so you don ’ t miss a thing . Go to www . RobinsBigSeminar . com for UPDATES as we roll closer to the event .
Did we mention that you can choose when to watch ? Yes , EVERY session will be recorded and available for you to watch .
The Better Your Best competition is STILL ON , we are STILL giving away an Aston Martin , and you are STILL getting the campaigns they used to add an average of $ 817,410 in new sales to their business !

Register Now At www . RobinsBigSeminar . com