MSP Success Magazine April/May 2020 | Page 15

DOZENS of videos with very little success . My first question to him was , “ Are your clients paying attention to YouTube ?” He didn ’ t know for sure , so at my encouragement , he sent out an email to his clients asking how much time they spent on YouTube . More than 90 % said they NEVER go to YouTube . Mystery solved . He was under the impression YouTube was a fantastic social media platform based on what he saw everyone else doing but hadn ’ t bothered to ensure that his customers , the people writing him checks , were actually going there . Similarly , many MSPs pick marketing strategies based on what ’ s cheap , free , and easy to do — NOT on what delivers the highest quality leads . There IS a price for “ free ” and “ easy ” you have to pay in time invested and skill . If you won ’ t put the time in and you ’ re unwilling to study and do the work , “ free ” is worth exactly the results you get . Direct mail , telemarketing , and other offline marketing may be more difficult and expensive but can often outperform online marketing done as a solo media . My recommendation is to pay attention to lead quality , not just quantity and perceived ease in the marketing strategy , to get clients .


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" Similarly , many MSPs pick marketing strategies based on what ’ s cheap , free , and easy to do — NOT on what delivers the highest quality leads ."
2 . Create marketing oil wells , NOT one-off campaigns . A marketing oil well is a systematic approach to marketing , a proven process , you can repeat and produce similar results with little variance . It can , and often does , involve multiple media , simultaneously triggered toward an offer or getting a client or prospect to take an action , be it to buy a service or schedule a consultation . For example , to drive attendance to a seminar , we will use an online landing page for registration and information gathering , along with email , direct mail , telemarketing , retargeting , LinkedIn messages , and social media posts and ads . All of these are run simultaneously to a chosen list segment or target market in a well-planned sequence . That sequence , and the results and details , are then documented so we can REPEAT the same campaign multiple times , making improvements with every iteration and , MOST IMPORTANTLY , NOT having to recreate the wheel . Far too many people indulge in random acts and “ one-and-done ” marketing attempts . This is ENORMOUSLY wasteful . Instead , work at building marketing ASSETS — campaigns , offers , and pieces you can use over and over again to a fresh batch of prospects .
Visit : Directory . MSPSuccessMagazine . com
3 . Stick with marketing strategies LONG enough to get them to work . For the past six years , I ’ ve run a productive telemarketing department in my organization that routinely cranks out quality appointments for my sales team , fills seminars and webinars , follows up on inbound leads , and drives growth forward . It ’ s a critical component to our success . Clients often ask me how to find and hire productive telemarketing people and build that team . Most START by hiring someone part time or trying to outsource . They inevitably foul it up and get no results because getting it right is truly difficult , particularly when you ’ re just starting out , but that ’ s not the mistake . The mistake is when that person or company doesn ’ t work out , and they wait months , even years , before attempting it again . I ’ ve told them repeatedly that when they ’ re hiring telemarketers , hire two , then place your ad for their replacement TODAY . It ’ s as certain as the sun rising that at least one won ’ t perform well , will quit , or start great then fizzle out , etc . That ’ s not meant as discouragement but rather “ accurate thinking ” about what is necessary to play the game right . If you stick with it long enough , you ’ ll build systems and processes , and eventually leadership , that will manage that aspect of marketing for you — but you ’ ll NEVER get there with a start-stop , start-stop approach with LONG pauses in between . Does telemarketing work ? HELL YES . Is it difficult to get right ? HELL YES . The good news is that it gets easier the more you do it , the bigger you build it , and the more resources you build over time . n