MSP Success Magazine April/May 2020 | Page 12


Leveraging Your Process , Relationships , And Leadership For Success

What Are The Top Three Metrics You Use To Measure Your Business And Why ?
Company :
Sandwire Corporation
Year Founded :
Headquartered :
Long Island , New York
Geographic Market :
New York and the tri-state region
Top Growth Indicator :
Less customer service calls
YoY % Of Growth :
About 10 % per year
CEO And Founder :
Adam Schwam
Hours spent per client , per month : I want to know how much time we ’ re spending on each client every month so I know if we are charging appropriately . When I look at the hours spent on each client , I can see how much work is being put in , and these hours are so valuable because if we ’ re spending a high amount of time on one client , we need to find the source of that problem .
If you ’ re really good , the tickets that are open should equal the ones that are closed , but if it ’ s out of control , then we ’ re behind . The bottom line is that we need to know if we are making money or losing money on a client . You can dive in deep with anything , rip it apart , and disseminate it , but sometimes , you just need to get the bigger picture .
Gross sales : I want to know our gross sales because it ’ s vital for me to know how much we are selling . It gives me a gauge of what was sold the month before and what that could mean for our company . You want to see that number go as high up as it can possibly go . Of course , you want to see growth in all your metrics , but this is an important one .
Receivables : This is how we know if we are operating correctly . Our billing can be very challenging , but receivables will tell you if people are happy . As the CEO of this company , I want to know if our customers are paying on time , what products we are continually selling , and if I ’ m doing all I can to ensure the success of the company .
These metrics all work in concert with each other . Knowing how many hours you spent working on a client , how much we are sending back , and how much goes into each account gives me a pulse on how the business is doing .
What ’ s The Top Lesson You Had To Learn That Allowed You To Kick-Start Your Business Growth ?
I was in my late teens or early 20s when I began working in rock ‘ n ’ roll and night clubs . This was just as computers were coming out , and I used one all the time . I would make passes and flyers , and soon , I was relying on the computer for a variety of purposes . After all , when you work in that business , you develop many talents .
But by the mid-1990s , there weren ’ t as many clubs , so I had to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up . I knew how to work on computers ,