Transform Your Sales Strategy With These Proven
Discovery Meeting Tips
You went through all the effort of marketing , qualifying the prospect , and scheduling that initial appointment . Here ’ s how NOT to botch the sale during the discovery meeting .
Sitima Fowler , Expert in Residence , Sales & Sales Management , TMT Sitima Fowler turned her small MSP from zero growth and profits to a multimillion-dollar MSP generating over a million in net profit . She then merged with a group of other MSPs to form Iconic IT , where she headed marketing and sales , growing to over $ 25 million before it was sold to Integris . Today , she teaches TMT members how to close big , profitable managed services agreements with ease .
Ray Green , Expert In Residence , Sales & Sales Management , TMT Ray Green has been an operator for investment groups , including CEO of a PE-backed company and other contract C-level roles . He was also managing director of small and midsize business at the U . S . Chamber of Commerce . Ray has helped some of the world ' s most successful business coaches execute world-class sales and marketing strategies . He has also coached dozens of solopreneurs on productizing and packaging their services to win better clients at higher rates .
It ’ s not about you . It ’ s about them .
That ’ s the key concept to keep in mind when you ’ re preparing for a first-time appointment with a prospect . That ’ s why it ’ s called a “ discovery ” meeting . This is not a time to pitch . It ’ s a time to ask guided questions and listen : What ’ s their big hairy problem ? What result are they looking for ? Can you actually help them ?
In the 5-Step Process to Closing an MSP Sale , the discovery meeting is Step 2 . Sitima Fowler and Ray Green , MSP sales experts who teach this process , walk you through how to prepare for that first-time appointment . ( If you missed Step 1 , see the June / July 2024 issue of MSP Success by scanning the QR code or go to mspsuccess . com / june-july-issue-2024 /)
Let ’ s Get To Know You !
The intent of the discovery meeting is not to sell but to understand the potential customer ’ s needs and goals , budget , and time frame to determine if they are a good fit worth pursuing . You want to establish your authority and gain trust .
She Said : Your goal is to find the buyer ’ s pain points , uncover their buying criteria , and answer hidden objections . Find out their frustrations and what success would look like to them . It ’ s not just about your service . Most MSPs are confident in that , and that ’ s great ! But now , you need to learn how to be confident in solving the problems of the person across from you .
He Said : As a consultant , you can ’ t start prescribing solutions without diagnosing a problem . If you don ’ t go through this process , the credibility and the trust that they ’ re going to have in your recommendation is going to be lower . I wouldn ’ t trust a mechanic that told me what I needed if he didn ’ t bother to look at my car . Understanding the prospect makes your solution much more credible .
Also , the quality of the questions you ask demonstrates your expertise , not word-vomiting a bunch of technical stuff about you or your company . Come in showing you ’ ve done research to get to know them , such as any announcements they ’ ve made or leadership changes . That way you can ask pointed , strategic questions that will identify other problems .
Polish Your Appearance — And Your Mindset
How you prepare for the meeting determines the outcome . With the right mindset , you ’ ll project confidence .