What Partners Or Tools Helped You Along The Way ?
“ Kaseya 365 redefined our IT and security management by giving us a unified , cost-effective approach to managing , securing , backing up , and automating all client endpoints through a single endpoint .”
What Is Your Single Secret To Success This Past Year ?
Being detail-oriented to get into the weeds and see how we could tweak an already well-run , profitable business to make it better . Analyzing the COGS and combining it with the Kaseya 365 [ license ] purchase allowed us to drop our overall spend from $ 14 per endpoint down to just over $ 4 per endpoint , saving us approximately $ 10 per endpoint without having to make any additional sales and without compromising our customer service . This savings went directly to the bottom line .
What Is The Biggest Challenge You Overcame This Past Year Related To Growth ?
Two River was highly leveraged . [ We ] had maximized the efficiency of [ our ] technicians but reached a point where further individual productivity gains were impossible . We either needed better tools or more staff to progress . Implementing Kaseya 365 solved this problem by freeing up technician hours , improving accuracy through automation , and integrating multiple software interfaces into one platform .
Initially , there were concerns about centralizing everything and fears of resistance to change . However , no one could argue with the economics of making the change , so we had our technicians demo some of the components . They found Kaseya 365 far superior to what we had been using and wondered why the switch hadn ’ t happened sooner . This change not only improved efficiency but also reduced technician fatigue and made their job easier , which improved job satisfaction . It also underscored the importance of not letting our own preconceived ideas get in the way . Frank [ DeBenedetto , company founder ] said to me , “ I realize I was a little bit of a roadblock prior to this because I had it in my head that change would create a disruption .”
Adopting Kaseya 365 has been the most transformative experience of my career . Kaseya 365 redefined our IT and security management by giving us a unified , cost-effective approach to managing , securing , backing up , and automating all client endpoints through a single endpoint . It doubled our profit margin by delivering unprecedented efficiency and enormous cost savings . Because we switched tools up , we introduced automation that Two River didn ’ t have before , which brought a whole new level of efficiency . This meant we could do more with less . Before , when I was analyzing COGS , I was comparing different tools and functionality line by line , but Kaseya 365 made this easy because I could see the vendors we were spending money with that weren ’ t doing as good a job .
Who Is The Most Impactful Business Leader Whose Leadership Style You Try To Emulate Or Are Influenced By , And Why ?
I ’ m impressed with [ Kaseya CEO ] Fred Voccola ’ s true leadership and his style of working within the MSP community . I admire his ability to speak and get the community behind him . I respect how he recognizes when they make mistakes , owns up to them , and fixes them . I don ’ t think too many leaders admit to mistakes like that , which is truly admirable .
What Book Would You Recommend To Other MSPs Or SMBs Trying To Grow Their Business ?
The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande . It paints a different picture in terms of following checklists and doing things the right way . While it explores the medical and construction industries , it translates well to MSPs because the more accurate we are , the more we do things the right way , the happier customers are .
What Words Of Wisdom Would You Give To Other MSPs Looking To Grow Their Business ?
It ’ s important to focus on your core competencies as well as building long-term relationships with your clients and being that trusted advisor . It ’ s equally important to invest in your team and your culture . Joining a peer group will help you learn from others who are doing it well — which gives you a faster way to move forward while also making fewer mistakes in the process .
Cindy Panetti Cyr is an accomplished author with over two decades of marketing experience , and a deep passion for directresponse marketing , technology , and travel .