Create a Plan.
After you have taken account of all your spending, create a plan for yourself to increase your financial security. The hardest part of your plan is to stick to it. That plan may start with what credit cards and loans you need to pay off first. Look at the ones with the highest interest rate and begin to pay those off. Create a chart of your accounts and make sure you are notating each payment to help you see what is happening to your money and how quickly you can pay off your debt.
Just say No.
Control how you spend your money. If you want to buy something on credit take a day to breathe and decide if you can wait or is it something you need. Limiting how you spend is just as important as paying off your debts and creating savings for yourself. Take back the control of your money and you will start to see the savings account grow and reduce some worry as well.
We all know that the unknown can happen in an instance. Being in a good place financially can allow you to move through the chaos it can create at least a little less scathed.
Save Something.
Each pay period, pay yourself into your savings account. The amount that you pay yourself will vary according to what you have in the bank and what you are trying to pay off at the time. We all know that incidents happen and being able to afford them makes the stress of the unknown easier to bear.