Summertime is one of my favorite seasons; it fills me with memories of building sandcastles on the shores, catching fireflies in the early evening and lazy days at the lake. Every year I envision grand plans for my children, trying to recreate the magic of my childhood summers for them to experience. Sounds perfect right?! Not quite, while my kids are footloose and fancy-free, I still have work responsibilities throughout the season. I am constantly seeking a balance between my job and creating a magical summer for my kids. This is what I call “Summer Mom Guilt” and if you are a working parent, I am sure you can relate.
As working parents, we are all seeking to balance work with making lasting summertime memories with our kids. What is the secret to reducing Summer Mom Guilt while maintaining a normal workload?
Don’t Believe Everything You See Online
We all have those “friends” on social media, you know the ones that post perfect family pictures while on vacations in exotic places with happy smiling children or the Pinterest mom making homemade slime, water gun painting, and healthy snacks each day of summer. Anytime you compare your real self to a social media profile you will come out feeling like a loser. Remember you are a real person with a real family, living a real life.
Got Parent Guilt?
Don't Let it Ruin Your Summer!
Written By:
Amanda Marksmeier
So, next time you are scrolling through your feed, remember you are not seeing the whole picture. You don’t see the screaming child behind the perfect family pictures, or the slime stained carpet, or the credit card statement after those amazing vacations. Don’t allow social media to intensify your summer guilt. Remember, you can’t believe everything you see online.