MSEJ Salute to Industry Manufacturing and Logistics | Page 17

"My biggest challenge was confidence in myself especially being out

of civilian workforce for more than 5 years. It turned out it was pretty smooth transition out from military to civilian workforce with the help of my mentor. I received a tremendous amount of help and encouragement from VetJobs. They encouraged me to apply for the jobs that I could do and gave confidence. In addition, my Career Specialist helped write my resume and I started getting phone calls and emails from potential employers. Because of the help from VetJobs I found employment and had offers from several different companies."

-Sergeant Dorjsuren Rentsendorj

"A little bump in the road is just a bump. There's more ahead"

- C.Cancio| 17

"I was accustomed to military lifestyle and doubted myself If I could adjust in civilian job and lifestyle."

The Success Stories discussed here are real life Veterans who

found success in their desired industry by utilizing

VetJobs and/or the pathways included in the Salute to Industry.

Check out our website to find out how VetJobs can help you.