MSEJ October 2016 | Page 21

military members who may have done a job in the military, but have not acquired the civilian licensures necessary to do the job outside of the military. Identifying and obtaining the education or experience you need for the job can be the factor that easily moves you from the discard pile to the interview pile.

You have marketing materials, including a targeted resume and LinkedIn® profile, with which you can apply for positions that meet your goal and experience. Simply put, you can have all of the right qualifications, but if you aren’t communicating them to hiring managers and recruiters through a well-crafted and targeted resume, then you aren’t going to get the interview. Recruiters can’t divine your experiences and skills, so if you aren’t sharing them through your resume and on LinkedIn®, they aren’t going to see you as a viable candidate.

You are connecting and networking with recruiters in your industry. When you are

job ready, you are confident in your ability to connect with recruiters to discuss your capabilities and why you are a good fit for the job. Recruiters will not come to you (unless you have an extremely unique skill set for which there is great demand), so you have to put yourself out there.

Are you applying for jobs, but not getting the interview call?

If you aren’t sure whether you are job ready, it’s time to talk to a CASY & MSCCN Employment Specialist. They will help you identify your needs, set your goals, and get employment ready.

What are you waiting for?