MSEJ November 2017 | Page 16


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Don’t fret military spouses there are opportunities for you too!

The Milspo Project is a global network of U.S. military spouses who believe entrepreneurship is a unique answer to the military spouse unemployment and underemployment crisis. They offer monthly online meet ups to network and share ideas with other military spouse business owners. The Milspo Project also

hosts an annual conference for military spouse entrepreneurs to connect and learn to maneuver the unique challenges of owning and operating a business.

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple once said “[He’s] convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

Military life is many things—and one of them is a kind of perseverance proving ground. As we move, experience separations, and balance the challenges of this military life, we learn steadfastness, we learn to achieve success despite difficulty and delays along the way.

So, if you’re a Veteran or a military spouse who’s been thinking about starting a business or nonprofit, use the network of Veteran and military spouse entrepreneurs to help you move forward as you persevere and pursue your passion.

Networking isn't just for job seekers. Entrepreneurs need to build their networks. Connect with groups that can help you.