MSEJ May 2018 | Page 17

Free to service members, Veterans, spouses, caregivers, and dependents.

Why Geo-bach?

As military spouses, we have access to several scholarships and financial aid opportunities to help offset the enormous cost of higher education. Many of us have the ability and education to excel in our careers. A lot of spouses have the entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen to successfully build businesses.

What we don’t have is the guarantee that we will be in one place long enough to complete a degree program, get promoted, or grow a clientele.

Imagine being accepted into a nursing program, graduate school, or pursuing a doctorate degree when your spouse receives new orders. (Many of you don't have to imagine this, having lived experience and whatnot.) These opportunities are hard to pass up. Transferring college credits can be difficult and, in some cases, impossible! Nursing programs are competitive and

difficult to get in. Would you be willing to give up the coveted spot because of PCS orders? Many doctorate programs have a residency requirement. Can you imagine receiving orders in the middle of that?

You’ve discovered your passion and parlayed it into a business. Your LLC has been registered, you have created a brand and a loyal customer base, success is on the horizon, but so are orders. Would you leave your business to follow your spouse?

You have finally landed your dream job which will catapult your career, but your spouse must report to a faraway post. Would you give up this opportunity?

The retirement packet has been dropped and you find a position that will help forge a new path for your lives after the military... but it is across the country. Would you spend the next year apart to better your family’s circumstances?

Would you consider living apart for the right opportunity?