MSEJ May 2017 | Page 21 |

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asking their price range, you’re better equipped to leverage the price you want rather than undervaluing yourself.

What kind of value does this project provide?

Think about the problem that your work will correct rather than an hourly rate. If a client’s website crashes and you fix it, your work may

have more value to that client. Although it

may only take an hour to fix the problem, the value of a fix in an emergency is worth far more.

What are other creatives charging?

This is where the importance of a network comes in. They can give you inspiration, encouragement, and referrals, while also answering questions about the market in your industry. Although it may feel awkward to ask how much someone charges, if you do so politely and professionally, you’re likely to get an open, helpful answer about how they calculated their rate.

What if they say “No”?

Once you’ve determined your price plan, create a list of contract negotiation talking points. You should include the reasoning behind your price points, as well as ground rules and expectations for both parties. By listing the questions you could face (and their answers), you’ll feel prepared for any negotiations. As a creative entrepreneur, it’s important for you to be clear, consistent, and confident in your worth.

Don’t be afraid to turn down a project if a client doesn’t agree to your rate. You aren’t saying “no” to your work. Instead, you’re turning down the chance to earn less while doing more and an unsustainable client relationship.

Remember: you’re talking about money because your creative work is worthy of realistic compensation. You’re talking about money because you are a professional, and professionals get paid.