MSEJ May 2015 | Page 2

macho spouse



Did you know that the Department of Defense counts nearly 187,000 male active duty, National Guard, and Reserve military spouses around the world? Macho Spouse is the place for them! Macho Spouse is an interactive online resource and educational video library designed by male military spouses for male military spouses and their families. To learn more about Macho Spouse, visit their website at

Milspousepreneur is an online hub for military spouse entrepreneurs with a physical presence in Okinawa, Japan, where they host meet-ups and events. Milspousepreneur provides inspiration and support to spouses who are experienced entrepreneurs as well as those embarking on a new entrepreneurial endeavor. Milspousepreneur highlights spouse business owners monthly and provides practice advice about all things entrepreneurial. Check them out at and

The National Association of Veteran-Serving Organizations (NAVSO) answers the call for a national collaborative association for the Nation’s 40,000+ veteran-/military-serving organizations. Serving as a trusted, neutral convener stitching together like-minded public and private organizations seeking to deliver more effective and efficient services for veterans and military families, NAVSO empowers service providers, stakeholders and advocates with web-based tools, best practice sharing, and resources to ensure collective success as they respond to the evolving needs of veterans and military families. Tell your favorite non-profit to join NAVSO today at

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