MSEJ MAY 2014 | Page 2

BBB Announces


Clearpoint reconnect

MSCCN celebrates its third year of A plus rating with the Better Business Bureau as an accredited charity that meets all twenty of their very strict requirements and standards. “In October of 2012, MSCCN asked the Better Business Bureau to vet our organization to ensure that all 20 standards set forth by the BBB were met,” says Deb Kloeppel, Founder, President and CEO of MSCCN. “We wanted to set ourselves apart. A nonprofit organization needs to adhere to financial requirements in which faithful stewardship is of the utmost importance." Read More.

According to Department of Defense statistics, there are roughly 98,000 civilian spouses of female active duty service members which equates to approximately 7% of the military spouse community being male. In turn, male spouses have been seeking a voice that represents who they are and what their needs are within military life. Chris Pape, Founder of MACHO Spouse, formed an organization to connect men to resources, networking opportunities, and forums where they share information on careers, relationships and financial readiness. Read More.

ClearPoint Reconnect is a program that serves military service members and their families and is based on the realization that it is difficult for those in the military to “reconnect” and establish themselves when they return home from service. At ClearPoint, we know about this from firsthand experience. In fact, we have an entire counseling staff made up of veterans and family members of those who served. We also provide free educational resources through our interactive site such as personalized courses, interviews with military families and the opportunity to earn credits and rewards. Read more.

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