MSEJ January 2016 | Page 21

MISSION: Meet People. Ask Questions. Connect.

Step 2: Ask Questions. Become curious and develop an honest interest in learning about people.

Remember the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon game? Everyone knows someone who knows someone… every single person is of value. Spend a little time learning about people; make it a game to see if you can find a common interest or connection! Simply treat people the way you want to be treated: be honest in your intent, and ask for contact information via social media or a business card.

Step 3: Connect. Pull out your smart phone and connect on the spot!

Follow-up! Take immediate action; don’t toss the contact in your ‘to do’ pile… do it now! Keeping a contact is KEY to becoming a successful networker. Most people forget this important step. Reach out to people in your network! Send them a text, article, or note. Take an interest in people who you connect with and share common goals with… ask them to coffee

or invite them to meet up at a local event! But be selective with your ‘inner circle.’

Realistically, we can’t socialize daily with everyone we know or meet. But we can remain connected and cordial. Once a week, pick a batch of acquaintances

to contact. Send them a little note and ask how they are. It doesn’t have to be anything extensive… just a note! Following up builds on that first connection, so make an effort to keep connecting! Once you build the habit of connecting and keeping in contact, then you can start to work on more advanced skills like using your network to find employment leads.

In 2016, get to work on developing and using your network.