MSEJ January 2016 | Page 12

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Stop the Insanity:

Please Take Our (Resume) Advice

By: Erin Voirol,


It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results. From the outside, it’s easy to see when someone else is doing the same thing over and over again, but when it comes to our own concerns, we tend to be blind to our repetitively ineffectual actions.

That’s why it’s important to have someone on the outside who can take a second look and see if there are adjustments that you can make to yield better results!

At CASY & MSCCN, we focus specifically on helping job candidates identify their goals and see the employment outlook clearly. Employment Specialists, the Training Department, Recruiter ConnectTM Specialists, and our Executive Team offer their expertise and advice on employment topics, and one of the topics we all deal with consistently is the candidate resume.

To quote Amy Rossi, “The resume is the single most important professional document you own. It determines your earning potential” The resume has the biggest impact on your ability to get the job you want, to be compensated accordingly, and get promoted.

So, we take the resume pretty seriously and provide thoughtful and up-to-date advice on resumes. You may get fluff recommendations from some people out there, but CASY & MSCCN focus on providing quality advice to help candidates improve their resumes.

And most candidates take that advice…but some don’t. Those candidates continue to send out the same old resume again and again expecting different results. Remember the definition of insanity?

So, if you are one of those candidates who has been reluctant to update your resume, let me give you some reasons to reconsider…