MSEJ August 2018 | Page 35

Big questions come with big answers, and that’s why I finally got the full version of the book. Now my copy of The Military Guide has notes in the margins—from me, and my spouse. Reading this together has helped us to define what his retirement will mean to us as we walk through the planning and countdown chapters.

The Military Guide has its fair share of facts and figures, ranging from the effects of inflation to asset allocation. However, these facts are also accompanied by stories from individuals who chronicle their fears, hindsight, courage, wins, and losses.

Doug adds to this narrative his own depth of wit and wisdom; he’s equally astute talking about money and lifestyle choices as well as emotions and mindsets. He advocates for a balance between healthy and rebellious living, frugality and generous giving. Even if you start and end with one chapter (might I suggest Chapter 7: “Move in the Right Direction”?), you’ll have done your future self a huge service. Bet you can’t just read one though!


People have a hard time achieving what they can’t conceive. If your transition examples only include leaving the military to work for a contractor with a similar mission, going back to school, or making a job of finding a job, you may start to believe that’s all there is.

Nords’ The Military Guide proves to those in transition that there is another way.

Maybe your fun money fund isn’t quite there because you just did one term in the military, but it can be. Read this book, and you’ll know how to decide the next right step for you.

Maybe you’re closing in on 20 years in the military and you assumed you’d have to find a bridge career (and a lucrative one at that), but you’re worried that you’re signing up for more pain than gain. Your financial independence could be closer than you know. Read this book to make sure you’re choosing the lifestyle you want rather than the one you think you need.

As he networks and meets people around the world, Doug sees “opportunity (and treasure!) everywhere.” I hope you’ll see The Military Guide as a similar treasure and source of inspiration.

At CASY-MSCCN, we want to connect you to your next career, but only if that’s what you want and need. The Military Guide could be just what you need to help you make that choice.

"The transition out of the military is fraught with fear and uncertainty, and I write about the lifestyle as much as the finances. We’ve helped thousands of servicemembers and families answer the question, “But what will we DO all day‽”

We help military families realize that they can reach FI within 20 years, even without a military pension. The pension handles inflation and health insurance, of course, while veteran’s benefits offer partial solutions to those who separate before retirement. The rest of their FI comes from personal-finance literacy (the 4% Safe Withdrawal Rate) and from good choices with insurance programs."| HOT JOBS 35