MSEJ April 2016 | Page 13

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Need to learn about interacting professionally on social media? Sign up for CASY & MSCCN’s next social media training in May 2016!

There are LOTS of outlets that exist for networking—from live and in-person local networking groups to professional groups on LinkedIn® to professional Facebook pages, which can be a great venue for networking if you are new to and uncomfortable with the idea of networking.

We understand that live and in person networking isn’t for everyone. If you are an introvert—and you aren’t alone—then, the idea of going to a restaurant or other venue and meeting people for the first time face to face may be overwhelming. If the thought of meeting people face to face gives you the sweats, then NETWORKING ONLINE is a great option for you.

(It’s also a great option for those of you who are remotely located or want an international network instead of just a local one!)

You can join groups and SLOWLY join the conversation with little effort. You can connect easily and engage based on your own comfort level, and you don't even have to leave your house.

Consider adding one of the following pages or groups to your Facebook account to connect professionally with others:

Military Spouse Corporate Career Network: Want to know about hot jobs? Follow MSCCN’s facebook page for information about jobs and opportunities for military spouses.

The Milspo Project: If you are looking for support in your entrepreneurial endeavors, check out The Milspo Project’s main page and connect with local networking groups in your community.

Career Military Spouses

Mil-Blogging Buddies

Military Spouse Network

Military Spouse PhD Group

Military Spouse Professional Photographers

Society of Military Spouses in STEM

By: Erin Voirol